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Health & Healthcare

Preserving True Human Dignity in Human Rights Law
November 08, 2022 EDT
Preserving True Human Dignity in Human Rights Law
Jeffrey A. Brauch

This article explores how the death with dignity movement involves human dignity and how individuals with disabilities and their ability to make end-of-life decisions will be affected.

Causation and Apportionment Issues in Opioid Litigation
November 04, 2021 EDT
Causation and Apportionment Issues in Opioid Litigation
Richard C. Ausness

This Article proposes that an apportionment formula like the market share concept adopted by the California Supreme Court in Sindell be adopted in opioid litigation and possibly other mass torts.

The Battle Over Our Bellies: What Makes Nutrition Regulation Difficult for Americans to Swallow?
November 04, 2021 EDT
The Battle Over Our Bellies: What Makes Nutrition Regulation Difficult for Americans to Swallow?
Samantha A. Lieberfarb

This comment addresses the perplexing problem of why Americans seem hesitant towards nutrition regulation.

Pharmacist Refusals in Ohio: A Compromise
May 19, 2020 EDT
Pharmacist Refusals in Ohio: A Compromise
Megan N. Nelson

This comment addresses the conflict between pharmacists and their patients when a pharmacist objects to providing his or her patient with emergency contraception.

December 01, 2019 EDT
Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking as a Viable End-of-Life Option in Ohio
Sara Valentine

The option of voluntarily stopping eating and drinking (“VSED”) is a necessary and welcome end-of-life option.

May 16, 2019 EDT
The Case for a Health Care Benefit Corporation
Terry L. Corbett

Today's hospitals and their systems might be better served by a new organizational paradigm.

Using Law and Policy to Address Chemical Exposures: Examining Federal and State Approaches
January 30, 2019 EDT
Using Law and Policy to Address Chemical Exposures: Examining Federal and State Approaches
Gail ShibleyDoug FarquharMontrece RansomLisa Caucci

The production and use of hazardous chemicals continues to grow, with hundreds of chemicals identified in blood, urine, and tissues of humans.

Recent Health Care Reform's Tragic Consequences for Private Practice Physicians
January 30, 2019 EDT
Recent Health Care Reform’s Tragic Consequences for Private Practice Physicians
Jordan Rauch

Family physicians shackled by red tape and bureaucracy may become the new face of family medicine in America.

For-Profit Crusaders: The Accommodation of For-Profit Entities in the Contraception Mandate
January 30, 2019 EDT
For-Profit Crusaders: The Accommodation of For-Profit Entities in the Contraception Mandate
Jessica N. Paulik

President Barack Obama ran for office on a platform that consisted, among other things, of substantial health care, and Medicaid reform.