An Introduction to Capital Law Review's decision to transition its articles online.
- Introductions & Dedications
- Constitutional Law & Criminal ProcedureCourts assume that criminal prosecutions are undertaken in good faith unless evidence is presented to the contrary.
- Oil, Gas & MineralOhio was one of the first states to interpret a silent consent clause to require that the consent cannot be unreasonably withheld, but the issue has received inconclusive treatment.
- Economic RegulationIn the recent decision of Henson v. Santander, the Court found that diversified debt buyers are not bound by the FDCPA when collecting on purchased delinquent debt.
- Personal Injury/General TortA coach owes a general duty of reasonable care to his or her athletes in the conduct of the sports program.
- Labor & EmploymentSecure scheduling laws are just one way local governments are trying to bridge the poverty gap within their communities.